Barry Hitchcock DC
2330 W. Broad St., Athens, GA, 30606
Phone: 706-353-8032
Cell: 706-340-2816
Fax: 706-548-5566


Clinic Director/Staff Chiropractor, Athens Spine and Injury, Athens, Georgia, 2024 - Present

Chiropractic Rotation, Resident Program, St. Mary’s Healthcare GRU-UGA Medical Partnership, Athens, Georgia, 2019 – 2022

Chiropractic Rotation, Piedmont Athens Region Medical Center Resident Program, Athens, Georgia, 2018 – 2022

Clinic Director/Staff Chiropractor, Family Chiropractic of Athens, Athens, Georgia, 1996 – 2023

Staff Chiropractor, Family Chiropractic of Athens, Athens, Georgia, 1995 – 1996

Clinic Directory/Staff Chiropractor, Steward Clinic, Winder, Georgia, 1994 – 1995

Clinical Director/Staff Chiropractor, Stewart Clinic, Greensboro, Georgia, 1993 – 1194

Clinic Director/Staff Chiropractor, Stewart Clinic, Madison, Georgia, 1992 -1993

Staff Chiropractor, Stewart Clinic, Athens, Georgia, 1987 – 1991

Clinic Director, Staff Chiropractor, Moultrie Back Pain Clinic, Moultrie, Georgia, 1978 – 1987


Doctor of Chiropractic, Licensed in the State of Georgia, License # CHIRO001244, 1978 – Present.

Doctorate of Chiropractic, Life Chiropractic College, Marietta, Georgia, 1978

Undergraduate Studies, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, 1973 - 1975


Primary Spine Care Qualified, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Cleveland University- Kansas City, Long Island, NY, 2021


Primary Spine Care 14: Case Management and Documentation - Spinal Biomechanics in Clinical Practice, The utilization of X-Ray digitization to diagnose spinal biomechanical pathology and analyzing trends in healthcare when triaging mechanical spine pain. The role of credentials in interprofessional collaboration. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2023

Primary Spine Care 14: Case Management and Documentation - MRI Spine Sequence Acquisition and Interpretation, The understanding and utilization of T1, T2, STIR, Proton Density, FSE, GRE imagine sequencing for conclusive diagnosing of fracture, tumor, infection, and disc pathology. Identifying herniation, protrusion, bulge, extrusion-migrated, and extrusion-fragments on MRI images. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2023

Primary Spine Care 14: Case Management and Documentation - Spinal Disc Microanatomy, The understanding of the human spinal discal elements; annulus, nucleus pulposis, cartilaginous end plates inclusive of the neurology, visualization, differentiation from the neonate to adults. The understanding of the etiology of Modic changes on MRI and how spinal biomechanics are altered. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2023

Primary Spine Care 14: Case Management and Documentation - Interprofessional Collaboration on Mechanical Back Pain in Clinical Practice, Triaging neurologically compromised cases in conjunction with positive MRI images, and collaboratively managing cases with neurosurgeons in clinical practice. Post-operative management of spinal cases through full recovery. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2023

Primary Spine Care 14: Case Management and Documentation - Spinal Biomechanical Engineering Analytic, The analytics of spinal biomechanical engineering utilizing X-Ray digitizing for Alteration of Motion Segment Integrity and biomechanical pathology. Determining laxity of ligaments in connective tissue pathology and the long-term negative sequels of the pathology. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2023

Primary Spine Care 14: Case Management and Documentation - Demonstrative Reporting of MRI Spinal Disc Pathology, The diagnosis, and reporting of spinal disc bulges, herniations, protrusions, extrusions, and fragments. Reporting varices, Modic 1, 2, and 3, posterior longitudinal, interspinous, and intertransverse ligament. Reporting the ligamentum Flavum and epidural fat as a space-occupying lesion. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2023

Coding and Care Planning, ICD -10, and CPT cross-coding requirements form the acute stage through rehabilitation, including home care. The documentation of passive vs. active care in chronic and trauma case management. Cleveland University Kansas City, College of Chiropractic, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2023 

Coding and Care Planning with Spinal Biomechanical Pathology, The documentation of short and long-term care, including demonstrative validation or spinal pathology in the clinical setting. Connective tissue pathological mechanisms in chronic and traumatic etiology. Cleveland University Kansas City, College of Chiropractic, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2023 

The Safe Use of X-Ray in a Clinical Setting, Utilizing the guidelines created by the American College of Radiology and the evidence in the scientific literature for case management involving x-ray. Understanding the standards for safe radiation exposure when creating a demonstrative spinal biomechanical diagnosis and ruling out anatomical pathology. Cleveland University Kansas City, College of Chiropractic, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2023 

2023 Demonstrative Documentation Requirements, Analyzing the requirements in anatomical diagnostic imagery to communicate spinal pathology. Integrating technology, clinical findings, and advanced graphic tools to communicate a diagnostic conclusion. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2022

MRI Spine Advanced Clinical Case Grand Rounds, Clinical case review of MRI including intra and extra-dural findings inclusive of the disc and vascular anatomical lesions. Differentially diagnosing central cord lesions, and spinal cord vascular lesions in both acute trauma and degenerative presentations.  Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2022

Non-Specific Spine Pain, Chiropractic and Outcomes, Analyzing neuro-biomechanical pathological lesions defines primary spinal lesions and removes the dogma of non-specific back pain. Creating evidence-based demonstrative documentation in the creation of treatment plans. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2022

Spinal Tumor MRI Interpretation, Diagnosing and documenting: Ependymoma, Astrocytoma, Hemangioblastoma, Lipoma, Meningioma, Neurofibroma, Schwannoma, Myxopapillary Ependymoma. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2022

Demonstrative Narrative and Evaluation and Management Report Writing, Clinical record-keeping, why write clinical notes, the importance of context, what to include in a clinical note, tips for better clinical documentation, basic legal considerations, open clinical notes, how to keep documentation efficient. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2022

Age-Dating Ligament/Connective Tissue Physiology and Pathology, Utilizing pain patterns, the high signal in the annulus, high signal outside the annulus, Modic changes, disc height, vacuum disc, sclerosis, Phirrman rating, facet edema, and previous MRIs to determine the chronicity of pathology., Master-Class in ligaments; anatomy, physiology, vascularization, neurological innervation, tissue repair, and how they all relate to clinical practice.  Ligament pathology correlates to the mechanisms of patho-neuro-biomechanical lesions (vertebral subluxation complex). Also, how ligaments play a critical role in the chiropractic spinal adjustment and in defining the chiropractic spinal adjustment mechanisms. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2022

Clinical Grand Rounds in Biomechanics, Digitizing, and Advanced Imaging: Case reviews concluding and accurate diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment plan utilizing evidence-based instrumentation and algorithms. Using demonstrative reporting of case findings to collaborate with co-treating physicians. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2022

Medical-Legal Documentation: A documentation discussion on meeting the requirements of the courts, carriers, and licensure boards in complete and accurate reporting. Ensuring the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment plan are demonstratively documented. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2022

2022 Trends in Spinal Healthcare, Analyzing evidenced-based spinal healthcare trends in both utilization and necessity and understanding the marketplace.  The use of evidenced-based demonstrative documentation in reporting treatment pathways in triaging spinal pathobiomechanics. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2021

MRI Spine Clinical Case Grand Rounds, Clinical case review of MRI’s including sagittal, axial, T1, T2, STIR, and proton density sequences. Identified will be the vertebrate, spinal cord, discs, nerve roots, thecal sac, posterior longitudinal ligament, epidural veins, and fat saturation pulses. Pathology will include bulges, herniations, protrusions, extrusions, myelomalacia, cord edema, and Schmorl’s nodes. Learn how to collaborate effectively with radiologists, neuroradiologists, and neurosurgeons on the clinical findings. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2021

Chiropractic vs. Physical Therapy vs. Medical Case Management and Outcomes, Analyzing evidence-based outcomes in triaging non-anatomical lesions. The analysis of neuro-biomechanical pathological lesions defines primary spinal lesions and removes the dogma of non-specific back pain. Managing collaborative relationships with medical primary providers and specialists in clinical practice. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2021

MSK Extremity Radiological Interpretation, Utilizing both MRI and x-ray in identifying via x-ray and advanced imaging extremity instabilities from ligamentous, osseous or neoplastic derangement. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2021

Demonstrative Narrative and Evaluation and Management Report Writing, Effectively creating demonstrative medical-legal documentation and meeting the needs of the courts and making your "4-Corner" (narrative) report to build your reputation as an evidence-based provider. The step-by-step minutiae of building a report, accomplishing report writing timely and effectively by understanding the regulatory and administrative rules. Learn how to educate the lawyer on bodily injury through evidence-based demonstrative reporting. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2021

Ligament/Connective Tissue Physiology and Pathology, Master-Class in ligaments; anatomy, physiology, vascularization, neurological innervation, tissue repair and how they all relate to clinical practice.  Ligament pathology correlates to the mechanisms of patho-neuro-biomechanical lesions (vertebral subluxation complex). Also, how ligaments play a critical role in the chiropractic spinal adjustment and in defining the chiropractic spinal adjustment mechanisms. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2021

Stroke Evaluation and Risk Factors in the Chiropractic Practice, Diagnosing, triaging, and documenting headaches, migraines, and vascular incidents (stroke) in the primary provider's office. Imaging protocols based upon history and clinical presentation will be presented, along with analyzing imaging findings in determining the etiology. There will be an extensive question and answer session following the instructional presentation. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2021

Age-Dating Herniated Discs and Trauma, Age dating herniated discs and trauma is a critical skill for an expert in spine. It combines the clinical skills of interpreting X-ray, MRI, and other imaging modalities with a clinician's understanding of joint pathology. This level of expertise is critical when collaborating with other physicians or working in the medical-legal environment as an expert. Age dating pathology is also central to creating a prognosis on your patient's recovery and must be evidence-based in rationale. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2021

Clinical Grand Rounds in Spinal Biomechanics, Case reviews utilizing E/M, MRI, and x-ray mensuration report to conclude an accurate diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment plan. Common diagnosis requiring interprofessional collaboration with a discussion of diagnostic dilemmas and proper communication methods. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2021

Neurosurgical Grand Rounds, A clinical discussion of collaborating with neurosurgeons on spinal cord and spinal nerve root co-morbidities. Triaging cases with herniated, protruded, extruded, fragments discs and differentially diagnosing tethered cord, syringomyelia, traumatic Schmorl’s Nodes, Myelomalacia, spinal cord edema, vacuum disc and other intra, and extra-dural lesions. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2021

Trends in Spinal Healthcare, Analyzing spinal healthcare trends in both utilization and necessity and understanding the marketplace and how a clinical excellence level is reflected in a doctors' documentation and credentials. Treatment pathways in triaging spinal pathobiomechanics. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2021

MRI Spine Interpretation Advanced Diagnosis, An evidence-based understanding of time-related etiology of disc pathology considering the American Society of Neuroradiology's designation of protrusion, extrusion, and sequestration of spinal discs, T1, T2, STIR and Proton-Density weighted evaluation to diagnose spine form MRI accurately. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2021

Spinal Biomechanical Engineering Analytics and Case Management, Utilizing spinal mensurating algorithms to conclude a pathobiomechanical vs. normal spine in the absence of anatomical pathology. Clinically correlating a history and physical examination findings to x-ray biomechanical results in creating an accurate diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment plan. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2021

MSK Extremity Radiological Interpretation, Utilizing both MRI and x-ray to diagnose 1) Arthritis - Inflammatory and Degenerative, 2) Advanced cartilage assessment, 3) Rotator Cuff Tears, 4) Labral tears (shoulder and hip), 5) Tendon injuries and degeneration, 6) Meniscal tears, 7) Ligamentous injuries, 8) Common fractures, 9) Sports-related injury patterns, 10) Plantar fasciitis. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2021

Demonstrative Medical-Legal Documentation, The narrative report. How to effectively create medical-legal documentation and what the courts look for. Making your "4-Corner" (narrative) report demonstrable and building a reputation as an evidence-based provider. The step-by-step minutiae of building a report. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2021

Managing Non-Anatomical Spine Pain, Treatment modalities centered upon "best-outcomes" in an evidence-based model considering chiropractic vs. physical therapy and chiropractic vs. medicine. Considerations of disability, pain reduction, functional improvement, drugs utilized, and side-effects are all considered. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2021

Documentation and Coding, CPT Coding Guidelines for Initial and Established Patients with particular attention paid to Patient History, Review of Systems, Social and Family History, Physical Examination, and Medical Decision making.  Specific differences in coding levels and required elements for a 99202-99203-99204-99205, and a 99212-99213-99214-99215. Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Cleveland University- Kansas City, Long Island, NY, 2021

Demonstrative Documentation and Ethical Relationships, Pathways to improve coordination of care, and interprofessional communication with collaborating physicians.  Maintaining ethical relationships in the medical-legal community through documentation and communication of demonstrable diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment plans. Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Cleveland University- Kansas City, Long Island, NY, 2021

MRI Spine Interpretation, Clinical case review of MRI’s including sagittal, axial, T1, T2, STIR, and proton density sequences. Identified will be the vertebrate, spinal cord, discs, nerve roots, thecal sac, posterior longitudinal ligament, epidural veins, and fat saturation pulses. Pathology will include bulges, herniations, protrusions, extrusions, myelomalacia, cord edema, and Schmorl’s nodes. Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Cleveland University- Kansas City, Long Island, NY, 2021

Spinal Biomechanical Engineering Clinical Grand Rounds, Case reviews utilizing E/M, MRI, and x-ray mensuration report to conclude an accurate diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment plan. Common diagnosis requiring interprofessional collaboration with a discussion of diagnostic dilemmas and proper communication methods. Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Cleveland University- Kansas City, Long Island, NY, 2021

Trends in Spinal Healthcare, Analyzing spinal healthcare trends in both utilization and necessity and understanding the marketplace and how a level of clinical excellence is reflected in a doctors' documentation and credentials. Treatment pathways in triaging spinal pathobiomechanics. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2020

MRI Spine Interpretation, An evidence-based understanding of time-related etiology of disc pathology considering the American Society of Neuroradiology's designation of protrusion, extrusion, and sequestration of spinal discs, Considering the signal intensity of discs in age-dating pathology and acquisition protocols for advanced spinal imaging. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2020

Spinal Biomechanics; A Literature Perspective, An evidenced-based model for spinal biomechanical engineering and pathobiomechanics considering the pathophysiological limits in translations, angular deviation, and rotational planes. Utilizing the Cartesian system in plotting vertebral points to demonstratively conclude an accurate diagnosis, prognosis and biomechanical treatment plan with the consideration of long-term care in the non-specific mechanical spine pain patient when necessary. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2020

Case Management of Mechanical Spine Pathology, Clinical Grand Rounds of herniated, protruded, extruded, sequestered, and bulging discs. Differentially diagnosing vascular vs. mechanical spinal lesions and the necessity for urgent vascular, neurological intervention, Collaborating in a team environment utilizing a neuroradiologist, electrophysiologist, and neurosurgeon with the chiropractor as the primary spine care provider. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2020

Chiropractic as the First Option for Spine, A Literature-Based Standard, Utilizing clinical findings in conjunction with advanced imaging and electrodiagnostic findings in managing collaborative relationships with medical specialists. Applying a literature standard to care to ensure conservative care as the first option. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2020

Chiropractic as the First Option for Spine, A Literature-Based Standard, Managing spinal related cases based upon MRI findings of herniations, bulges, protrusion, extrusions (comminuted and fragmented) utilizing thin-sliced acquisition protocols. When to consider ordering T1, T2, Short Tau Inversion Radiant, proton density and Dixon sequencing for spinal related pathology. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2020

Chiropractic as the First Option for Spine, A Literature-Based Standard, Creating literature-based documentation inclusive of history and a clinical examination that encompasses causality, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment plans. Ensuring the whole person impairment ratings are consistent with contemporary literature. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2020

Chiropractic as the First Option for Spine, A Literature-Based Standard, Spinal biomechanical engineering models related to pathobiomechanics and literature-based standards in creating an accurate diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment plan. Determining impairment ratings based upon alteration of motion segment integrity utilizing motion-imaging and creating demonstrable evidence for continued treatment plans. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2020

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, Spine Pain and Cancer, Concussion Management, Regenerative Medicine, MRI Workshop, Integrative Approach to Healthcare. DC & Beyond, Marietta, GA, 2019


Documentation, Carrier Mandates and How to Guide ED and Lawyer Referrals, Documenting electrodiagnostics, concussion and disc pathology as reflective of clinical findings when collaborating with medical specialists in private practice and hospital settings or in the medical-legal arena. Ensuring complete documentation in the evaluation and management process for both the initial and re-evaluation processes. Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2019 


Spinal Trauma Pathology, Triage and Connective Tissue Injuries and Wound Repair, Triaging the injured and differentially diagnosing both the primary and secondary complaints. Connective tissue injuries and wound repair morphology focusing on the aberrant tissue replacement and permanency prognosis potential. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2018

Spinal Trauma Pathology, Ligament Anatomy and Injury Research and Spinal Kinematics, Spinal ligamentous anatomy and research focusing on wound repair, future negative sequelae of abnormal tissue replacement and the resultant aberrant kinematics and spinal biomechanics of the spine. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2018

Spinal Trauma Pathology, Spinal Biomechanics, Central Nervous System and Spinal Disc Nomenclature, The application of spinal biomechanical engineering models in trauma and the negative sequelae it has on the central nervous system inclusive of the lateral horn, periaqueductal grey matter, thalamus and cortices involvement. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2018

Spinal Trauma Pathology, Biomechanics of Traumatic Disc Bulge and Age Dating Herniated Disc Pathology, The biomechanics of traumatic disc bulges as sequelae from trauma and the comorbidity of ligamentous pathology. Age-dating spinal disc pathology in accordance with Wolff’s Law. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2018

Spinal Trauma Pathology, Clinical Grand Rounds, The review of case histories of mechanical spine pathology and biomechanical failures inclusive of case histories, clinical findings and x-ray and advanced imaging studies. Assessing comorbidities in the triage and prognosis of the injured. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2018

Spinal Trauma Pathology, Research Perspectives, The review of current literature standards in spinal trauma pathology and documentation review of biomechanical failure, ligamentous failure and age-dating disc pathology. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2018

The Neurology of the Posture System: The Structure and Function Connection, Gaining an understanding of the neurology controlling the Posture System.  Discover the evolution of the upright posture design, brain-based posture analyses, and brain-based postural correction strategies to implement with the current clinical protocols. The presentation will cover the importance of posture from the public health perspective providing insight of why the posture paradigm is ahead of the heath care curve. American Posture Institute, DC Seminars, Atlanta, GA, 2018


The Clinical Impact of Epigenetics: How to Combine Chiropractic Lifestyle and Technology to Deliver Precision Wellness for Optimized Results, The epigenetic link explored. How the environment drives dysfunction, sickness and disease, the role of heart rate variability (HRV). Performing a health assessment.  Functional movement screen, labs and advanced diagnostics. How the CNS epigenetically impacts the system. Functional Medicine Agency, DC Seminars, Atlanta, GA, 2018


The Role of Neurotechnology in Advancing Clinical Outcomes, Neurostimulation and the effects on brain activity. The impact of the day-to-day environment on the peripheral nervous system and central nervous system and the effect on overall health and function. Review of qEEG studies viewing the effect of HPT technology and finding new ways to optimize brain function and thereby health and wellbeing. DC Seminars, Atlanta, GA, 2018

How APOE and Advanced Blood Markers Influence Nutrigenomics for a Better Brain Body Connection, Learn how to gather objective evidence and use lifestyle medicine to predict, prevent and even reverse chronic disease. Advanced lab testing. How comparing diet and gene interactions in different groups of genetically diverse people can turn off undesired genetic potential. Addressing the larger problem of brain health, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. DC Seminars, Atlanta, GA, 2018

A Systems Biology Approach to Optimizing Metabolic Function, Gain understanding of the cross talk signaling that occurs between Adrenal-Thyroid-Pancreas and Gut-Immune-Brain networks. The predictive aspects of lab values and trend analysis that can drive the individual care plans. Therapies that can be recommended to address problems and symptoms. DC Seminars, Atlanta, GA, 2018

Balancing the Brain, The role of the vestibular system in relation to its critical influence on neurodevelopment, immune function, mood, depression, anxiety, cognition and autonomic regulation. Fetal development of the vestibular system and in-utero constraint as well as the critical role chiropractic care plays in the development and function of the vestibular system. Key strategies for management of the vestibular system in practice.  DC Seminars, Atlanta, GA, 2018

Understanding the Clinical Role of Optimizing the Stress Response with HRV, Reducing the impact of stress on our patient's systems for enhanced clinical outcomes and improved patient results. Assessing and measuring Heart Rate Variability (HRV), the clinical marker for measuring stress. Gaining specific insight into your patient’s lifestyle that is impacting their health and wellbeing and the specific steps you can take to help them optimize their bodies response to stress for enhanced outcomes. The Role of the ANS.  Clinical Tracking and Measuring with Wearable Technology.  Protocols for Stress Optimization for Enhanced Clinical Outcomes. Functional Medicine Agency, DC Seminars, Atlanta, GA, 2018

Optimizing Injury Recovery, Incorporating the latest clinical strategies to enhance healing and recovery after an injury. Proper evaluation, available treatments and proper case management. The role of chiropractic adjustment as well as ancillary procedures that will improve patient outcomes after an injury.  DC Seminars, Atlanta, GA, 2018

Orthopedic and Spinal Surgery – Co-Management and Referral, Discussion of the role of MRI in the analysis and evaluation of personal injury and workmen’s compensation cases. Analysis of the orthopedic model for these cases. Co-management of mechanical spine pain and anatomic/pathologic spine pain cases between chiropractors and orthopedic surgeons. Understanding the referral process and procedures. DC Seminars, Atlanta, GA, 2018

Interprofessional Hospital Based Spine Care, Trends in hospital and emergent care in the healthcare delivery system inclusive of policies, hospital staffing and current care paths for mechanical spine issues. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, New York, 2018

Documenting Trauma and Non-Trauma Cases & Triaging Disc Pathology, Triage, care and collaboration for herniated, bulged, protruded, extruded and fragmented spinal discs. Compliant documentation of evaluation and management of new and established patients inclusive of chief complaint, history of present illness, review of systems, past-family-social histories with case management protocols and the required elements. Clinically coordinating treatment with subjective complaints, clinical findings and diagnosis for each encounter.  Cleveland University-Kansas City Chiropractic and Health Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2018 

Triage and Management of the Trauma and Non-Trauma Patient, Differentially diagnosing spinal issues in the trauma and non-trauma patient inclusive of spinal disc pathology utilizing x-ray, MRI, CAT Scan and clinical evaluations. Collaborative triaging protocols with neurologists, neurosurgeons, orthopedic surgeons, pain management and primary medical care providers with both mechanical and anatomical spinal pathologies. Academy of Chiropractic, PACE Approved for the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards, Cleveland University, Kansas City Chiropractic and Health Sciences, Long Island, NY, 2018 

Evidenced Based Care in a Collaborative Setting; Primary Spine Care 5, A literature based model for collaborating with hospitals, medical primary care providers and specialists. Reviewing the documentation requirements to communicate the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment plans with medical entities and having the evidence as a basis for those recommendations. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, New York, 2018

Current Literature Standards of MRI Spine Interpretation; Primary Spine Care 5, MRI Spine Interpretation of the spine. How to triage a trauma and non-trauma with advanced imaging and document the necessity. We will also cover the basics of MRI Spine Interpretation inclusive of all types of herniations, bulges. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, New York, 2018

Spine Brain Connection in Pain Pathways; Primary Spine Care 5, MRI Spine The spine-brain connection in managing chronic pain patients. Understanding how chronic pain negatively effects brain morphology and potential pathology as sequella. The role of chiropractic in preventing the loss of gray matter and the most recent evidence as outlined in indexed peer reviewed literature over the last 10 years verifying chiropractic’s role. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, New York, 2018

Bio-Neuro-Mechanical Mechanism of the Chiropractic Spinal Adjustment; Primary Spine Care 5, The biological, neurological and mechanical mechanisms and pathways from the thrust to the dorsal horn and brain connection and how the brain processes the chiropractic spinal adjustment based upon the literature. Care paths of chiropractic and physical therapy from an outcome basis, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division.  Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, New York, 2018

Primary Spine Care - Credentials and Knowledge Base,The credentials and knowledge based from an academia perspective when cooperatively treating in a collaborative environment inclusive of understanding pathology and mechanical spine issues. Texas Chiropractic College, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2016 

Primary Spine Care - Spinal Biomechanical Engineering and MRI Spine Interpretation, IntegratingSpinal Biomechanical Engineering and MRI Spine Interpretation into a primary spine care model, inclusive of necessity and acquisition protocols. A comprehensive review the latest evidence in documenting mechanical issues. Texas Chiropractic College, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2016 

Primary Spine Care - Hospital Administration, Triage, Clinical Requirements and Collaborative Relationships with Medical Specialists,Understanding hospital and medical specialist's care paths for mechanical spine pathology and integrating the doctor of chiropractic in the hospital and allopathic treatment protocols. Texas Chiropractic College, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2016 

Primary Spine Care - Contemporary Spine Research and Documentation, Central nervous system connection and the thalamus, hypothalamus connection in both ascending and descending central pathways with neuro-endocrine implications that have the mechanisms to be a component of Schizophrenia, Dementia and Alzheimer’s with a linear relationship to the chiropractic spinal adjustment and chronic pain. Texas Chiropractic College, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2016 

Neuroplasticity: The Key to Addressing Chronic Neurological Conditions, Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. Neuroplasticity allows the neurons in the brain to compensate for injury and disease and to adjust their activities in response to new situations or to changes in their environment.  Course includes Theoretical basis of neuroplasticity, pertinent anatomy of the brain and how it relates to neuroplasticity.  Basic physiology and attributes of brain waves.  Understanding qEEG evaluations of brainwave patterns.  Discuss the physiology of sleep and the effect of insomnia on the neuroplasticity in the brain.  The effect of chiropractic adjustment on brain wave patterns.   Common brainwave patterns associated with anxiety, ADD, Insomnia, Concussions, Migraines and more.  Various ancillary treatment protocols you can use in your practice to help these conditions.  DC Seminars, Atlanta, GA, 2016


Evaluation and Management of Low Back Conditions, Tools necessary to incorporate an advanced way to analyze and diagnose low back conditions using history, examination, X-ray, MRI, postural distortions, and movement dysfunctions quickly and efficiently.  Differentiate the etiology of low back disc disease and the differences between bulges, degeneration, and herniations, differentiate lumbar from SI joint dysfunction, as well as link the low back condition to the cause based on the patient's movement patterns and postural presentations. Treatment options for these low back conditions using spinal and extremity adjusting, soft tissue release, grooving movement patterns, thorough stretching, strengthening, and stabilization as well as flexion distraction and decompression techniques.  DC Seminars, Atlanta, GA, 2014


Functional and Neurological Diagnosis and Treatment of Whiplash Injuries, Interpreting cervical MRIs, accelerated/decelerated accident dynamics and the effect of forces on the spine from the seat-belt, airbag, steering wheel, head restraint and occupant awareness.  The latest research on the relationship between vehicle damage and bodily injury. clinical evaluation of whiplash injuries from structural to neurological to functional diagnosis and how to rate these injuries for permanency.  Creating an effective treatment plan for whiplash injuries.   DC Seminars, Atlanta, GA, 2013


Spinal Disorders: Diagnosis to Treatment, Treating spinal disorders using spinal and extremity adjusting, soft tissue release, and grooving movement patterns through stretching, strengthening and stabilization exercises as part of a standard of care for patients.  Linking the spinal disorder to the cause based on the patient's movement patterns.  The detrimental effects of spinal loading to common spinal disorders and which postures and movement patterns cause the most loads.  How to groove spine saving movement patterns through adjustments, stretching, strengthening, Kinesio taping.  Why some common exercises are causing more harm to your patients due to diurnal spine changes.  Correct exercises for patients based on their presentation and which exercises should NEVER be prescribed.  Nutrition and how it affects treatment and rehabilitation protocols.  DC Seminars, Atlanta, GA, 2012 

Dynamic Movement Workshop. Understanding the concept of dynamic movement and it’s antagonist, intersegmental joint dysfunction.  Research on the key movement components of the locomotor system.  Advanced procedures of screening, examination and treatment.  Significance of the terms “movement”, “fixation”, “dynamic movement”.  Review the concepts of major fixation versus compensation. Documentation and record keeping in evaluation and treatment.  Communicating the functional concept to the patient.  The role of the upper cervical, lower cervical, thoracic, and sacroiliac joints in movement disorders.  Specific patient exercises that complement treatment.  Northwestern Health Sciences University, Bloomington, MN, 2012

Movement-Related Disorders, Chiropractors functions on a physiological and neurological perspective.  Analyze Patients Using Static Postural Distortions as well as Observing Their 3D Dynamic Movement Patterns.  Proving and Documenting Medical Necessity to Treat Conditions using These Diagnostic Tools.  Looking Beyond the Chief Complaint to Find the Cause of the Problem Further Down the Anatomical Line.  Alkaline and Acidic Environments and their Relationship to Musculoskeletal Conditions.  Bringing the Antiquated Views of Fascia to the Present and Learning how to Manipulate this Tissue for the Most Efficient Patient Treatment.  Successful Chiropractic Treatments:  From Spinal to Extremity Adjusting, Soft Tissue Release, Nutrition, Flexibility and Strength Training.  Discuss the Latest Treatments for: Spine Pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tennis Elbow, Rotator Cuff Issues, Breathing Difficulties, Cervical Posture Conditions, Hip, Knee, and Ankle Pain, Plantar Fasciitis, Arch Dysfunctions.  "Rehabilitation" Procedures to Avoid Re-injury.  DC Seminars, Atlanta, GA, 2011


Neurological Dysregulation: The Effect of Subluxation, How subluxation affects the brain. Concepts, theories, and medical literature related to neurological dysregulation and specific chiropractic techniques directed at regulating the nervous system as well as neurofeedback training that will help to normalize brain-wave patterns. DC Seminars, Atlanta, GA, 2010


Chiropractic Ethics, The ACA and ICA Code of Ethics and the Informed Consent Doctrine. The difference between an independent contractor and an employee. DC Hours, Bluffton, SC, 2010


Georgia Jurisprudence, Georgia law, examining board rules, HIPPA Privacy Rule, and x-ray procedures. DC Hours, Bluffton, SC, 2010


Sexual Boundaries, Professional boundaries, the basis for the doctor/patient relationship. Transference/countertransference, terminology associated with sexual misconduct, boundary violation vs. boundary crossing, case studies, doctor profiles, caution signs, and guidelines for prevention. DC Hours, Bluffton, SC, 2010


Chiropractic Approach to the Treatment of Headaches, Managing the headache patient from differential diagnosis to the most effective treatments available for the chiropractic profession as compared to the medical approach, including differential diagnosis, identifying the cause, etiology of the different types of headaches, documentation using outcome assessment tools, and co-management of the headache patient with the medical profession. DC Seminars, Atlanta, GA, 2009


Georgia Jurisprudence, Scope of practice, advertising, electrical therapeutic modalities, standards. DC Hours, Bluffton, SC, 2009


Healthcare Compliance, Implementing a healthcare compliance program specifically designed for compliance with the HIPAA Privacy Rule. DC Hours, Bluffton, SC, 2009


Documentation, Basic principles of documentation to establish medical necessity for the treatments provided for patients avoiding post treatment audits. DC Hours, Bluffton, SC, 2009


Soft Tissue Technique for Spine, Upper and Lower Extremities, Chronic pain from soft tissue structures, scar tissue, fascia and muscles, myofascial pain, the spine and the kinetic chain, carpal tunnel syndrome. Georgia Chiropractic Association, Atlanta, GA, 2008


Risk Management and Georgia Law, Risk management strategies, components of a malpractice claim, duties of the chiropractor imposed by state law, overview of medical errors documentation, Medicare/billing code analysis, record keeping and report writing skill development. Texas Chiropractic College, Pasadena, TX, 2008


Establish and Document Medical Necessity, Case management and episodic care, case history, diagnosis and treatment planning, making daily notes and plans speak to the necessity of the care provided, clarity on the differences between clinically appropriate care and care that is medically necessary. New York Chiropractic College, Levittown, NY, 2008


Multidisciplinary Spine Care, Orthopedic evaluation, an orthopedic surgeon’s perspective, non-surgical orthopedics, justification of imaging in managed care, new developments in x-ray technology, and natural supplementation for bone health. Chiropractic and Beyond Seminars, Atlanta, GA, 2007


Cerebra Vascular Accidents, Spinal Disc Herniation, Ongoing dissection as a cause of CVA. Testing to avoid CVA/ disc herniation, its cause and treatment by conservative methods. Co-treating the disc patient with the MD. Georgia Chiropractic Association, Atlanta, GA, 2006


Rehabilitation of the Spine, Condition based vs patient-based care, medical necessity, neurology of pain, nociceptive and scleratogenous pain, myofascial pain, radiculopathy, visceral pain, testing and outcome assessment tools. University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT, 2006


Chiropractic Extremity Manipulation and Charrette Manipulation Protocols, Evaluating, adjusting and stabilizing asymptomatic extremities. Ties in neurology. "The Noisy Joint." Simple adjusting protocols. How to get great results on knees. Georgia Chiropractic Association, Atlanta, GA, 2005


Spinal Pain Syndromes: Diagnosis, Documentation and Treatment, Referred pain of myofascial, scleratogenous, neuropathic and visceral origin, cervicogenic headache as the missing link in headache care, TMJ and pain, spinal manipulation for headache and spinal pain. University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT, 2004


Clinical Case Management, Identifying high risk cases, informed consent, urinalysis, impairment ratings, x-ray guidelines, differential diagnosis of herniated disc, protrusion vs. prolapse, and neoplasms. Parker College of Chiropractic, Dallas, TX, 2003


Cranial Nerves, The structure and function of the cranial nerves with emphasis on their clinical syndromes, applications, and procedures specific to this area of the nervous system. Carrick Institute of Graduate Studies, Cape Canaveral, FL, 2002


Clinical Considerations in Case Management, Disc herniations, MRI procedures, vertebrobasilar complications, home care, consultation, examination, x-ray, diagnosis and treatment plan, state law and examining board rules, and standards of care. Georgia Council of Chiropractic, Marietta, GA, 2002


Chiropractic Neurology Manipulation Techniques, Hands on adjusting of joints without the use of instrumentation or anesthesia. A practical application of learning scenarios based upon a neurological model of health care and emphasizing safety and efficiency. Carrick Institute of Graduate Studies, Cape Canaveral, FL, 2002


Active Release Technique Spine Seminar, Anatomy, palpation and treatment of soft tissues of the body and the articulations that they affect. Emphasis on the manipulation of the neuromusculoskeletal system to diagnose and correct alterations in tissue texture, tension, movement, and function. New York Chiropractic College, Levittown, NY, 2001


Graston Soft Tissue Technique, An advanced form of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization. Instruments and methods for diagnostic applications. Implications of stages of tissue healing and reactivity on the treatment process. New York Chiropractic College, Levittown, NY, 2001


Pettibon Spinal Biomechanics and Treatment, Determining treatment plans from x-rays and testing, water and nutritional intake, whole-body vibration, spinal decompression, the use of instruments and rehabilitation equipment, mobilization procedures, pre-examination preparation and stretching, post-mobilization proprioceptive exercises and rehabilitation exercises. Parker College of Chiropractic, Dallas, TX, 2001


Low Back Pain Case Management, Diagnosis and treatment, pain producing structures causing low back pain, stenosis, muscle imbalance, facet syndrome, disc conditions, osteoarthritis, electrodiagnostic testing and imaging, and MRI. New York Chiropractic College, Seneca Falls, NY, 2000


Comprehensive Personal Injury Program, Diagnostics, risk factors, clinical presentation and triaging the trauma patient, clinically coordinating the history, physical findings and when to integrate neurodiagnostic, significance of “risk factors” in spinal injury. Texas Chiropractic College, Pasadena, TX, 2000


Cervical Acceleration/Deceleration Case Management, Triage, diagnose, and treat whiplash injuries, developmental and underlying anatomy, biomechanics related to whiplash, assessment techniques including clinical radiographic examinations such as MRI and CT. New York Chiropractic College, Seneca Falls, NY, 1999


Whiplash and Spinal Trauma, Physiology and neurology of spinal trauma. Injured and pain producing tissues, diagnostic testing and proper treatment planning. Chronic pain and permanent injuries. Life Chiropractic College West, Hayward, CA, 1999


Foot and Spine Biomechanics and Orthotics, The basics of arches/foot anatomy. Common morphological changes, lower extremity ailments, and treatment options. How standing posture, gait and foot structure is affected by arch problems. General treatment for lower body ailments. The Bottom Block, Lyles, TN, 1998


Pettibon Spinal Biomechanics, Normal and abnormal spinal form and function, neural control of posture, posture patterns, soft tissue physiology and pathology, purpose of rehabilitation, diagnostics & testing, overview of the three phases of care. Life Chiropractic College, Marietta, GA, 1998


Fundamentals of Reconstructive Spinal Care, Diagnosis of the injured spine, rehabilitative treatment and exercise, soft tissue methods, ongoing home care and exercise for chronic pain.. Life Chiropractic College West, Hayward, CA, 1997


Workers Compensation and Managed Care, Prevalence of spinal injuries on the job, triage and proper diagnostics leading to treatment, time factors and the return to work, psychology of the injured worker. Life Chiropractic College, Marietta, GA, 1997


Differential Diagnosis of Pain, Triage, testing, diagnosis and proper treatment, cotreating with other professionals, pain producing tissues, pain relieving treatments. Parker College of Chiropractic, Dallas, TX, 1996


Spinal Myopathology, Muscle dysfunction and trauma as a cause for acute and chronic spinal pain and disability. Treatments and home care for optimal improvement. Cleveland Chiropractic College, Los Angeles, CA, 1995


Myofascial Release, Muscle conditions as a cause and aggravation in pain and disability. Proper treatment by physical and nutritional methods. Parker College of Chiropractic, Dallas, TX, 1994


Sports Psychology, Mindset of the competitive athlete, psychology of the injured athlete, goals and rehabilitation treatment, and treating the mind of the injured athlete. National-Lincoln School of Postgraduate Education, Lombard, IL, 1991


Manipulation, Pain and the Locomotor System; Aspects of Improved Locomotor Function, Myofascial, articular and psychological considerations in musculoskeletal pain syndromes. Dysfunction as the cause of pain. New York Chiropractic College, Brookville, NY, 1990


Activator Manipulation Methods, Assessment and adjustment of pelvis and lower extremities through lumbar, thoracic and cervical spine, and the upper extremities. Approaches for relieving chronic back and extremities problems. Life Chiropractic College, Marietta, GA, 1989


Cox Technique Flexion-Distraction & Decompression Adjusting Procedures, Treatment of disc herniation and spinal stenosis as well as failed back surgical syndrome, cervical spine conditions, thoracic spine conditions, spondylolisthesis, radicular and non-radicular pain conditions using flexion-distraction procedures. Georgia Chiropractic Association, Atlanta, GA, 1982




Lecturer, Plant Safety and Ergonomics, Rheune-Poulanc, Winder, Georgia, 1994 – 1995


Lecturer, Plant Safety and Ergonomics, Stepan Chemical, Winder, Georgia, 1994




Hitchcock, J. (1996). Health Columnist. The Athens Observer




Clarke Central High School, Football Team Chiropractor, Athens, Georgia, 1995 – 2002


Pineland High School, Football Team Chiropractor, Moultrie, Georgia, 1985


Colquitt County High School, Football Team Chiropractor, Moultrie, Georgia, 1983