Research Chiropractic Conditions

The US Chiropractic Directory will only post information about chiropractic that has been proven in a published research setting
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CASE REPORT: Conservative care and axial distraction therapy for the management of cervical and lumbar disc herniations and ligament laxity post motor vehicle collision. 8919
CASE REPORT: The Assessment of Traumatic Cervical Spine Injury and Utilization of Advanced Imaging in a Chiropractic Office. 13294
CASE REPORT: The chiropractic management of cervical Myelomalacia 16629
CASE REPORT: The Utilization of Long Term Care for Herniated Lumbar Discs with Chiropractic for the Management of Mechanical Spine Pain 12031
CASE REPORT: Spinal Adjustments are Safe in the Presence of Herniated disc with the Absence of Cord Compression 13242
CASE REPORT: The Efficacy of Chiropractic Adjustments in the care of Migraine Headache with patients presenting with cervical disc bulge. 11832
CASE REPORT: Abatement of radiculopathy clinical signs and symptoms after chiropractic treatment in an older patient with trauma induced posterolateral disc herniation, superimposed on an underlying disc bulge. 13006
CASE REPORT: Abatement of right leg radicular clinical signs and symptom in a 58-year-old male with advanced degenerative disc disease, disc bulging and grade II spondylolisthesis using a comprehensive approach to care including multiple modalities.. 14928
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