
Chiropractic Care for Neck and Low Back Pain: Evidenced Based Outcomes

Low Speed Crashes and Missed Vehicle Damage

Concussion: Diagnosis-Testing-Chiropractic “New testing is available using biomarkers”

Bulging Discs and Trauma: Causality and a Risk Factor

Disc and Ligament Injuries: How Spinal Experts Document Causality

Fibromyalgia Improvement has been Linked to Chiropractic Care

CASE REPORT: Abatement of right leg radicular clinical signs and symptom in a 58-year-old male with advanced degenerative disc disease, disc bulging and grade II spondylolisthesis using a comprehensive approach to care including multiple modalities..

Concussion: Diagnosis-Testing-Chiropractic “New testing is available using biomarkers”

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