Tuesday, 12 October 2010 11:38

Effectiveness of Chiropractic Care: Low Back Pain, Neck Pain, Headaches, Migraines, Dizziness & Hip Pain

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Effectiveness of Chiropractic Care

Certified for:

1. Low Back Pain: Chronic, severe, moderate & non-specific

2. Neck Pain: Severe and moderate

3. Migraine Headaches

4. Headaches: Cervicogenic

5. Dizziness: Cervicogenic

6. Hip Pain: From Arthritis

A report on the scientific literature 




In order to understand the vast importance of this study, it is critical to understand the context of the work. These conclusions were based on randomized clinical trials and evidenced based results. The studies which the conclusions were based upon come from the input of hundreds of sources.

Randomized Clinical Trials

According to the National Cancer Institute (2004), "Randomization is a process that assigns research participants by chance, rather than by choice, to either the investigational group or the control group of all phase III (and some phase II) clinical trials...Each study participant has a fair and equal chance of receiving either the new intervention being studied (by being placed in the investigational group), or of receiving the existing or 'control' intervention (by being placed in the control group)" (http://www.cancer.gov/clinicaltrials/learning/what-is-randomization).

"The goal of randomization is to produce comparable groups in terms of general participant characteristics, such as age or gender, and other key factors that affect the probable course the disease would take. In this way, the two groups are as similar as possible at the start of the study. At the end of the study, if one group has a better outcome than the other, the investigators will be able to conclude with some confidence that one intervention is better than the other. A randomized, controlled trial is considered the most reliable and impartial method of determining what medical interventions work the best" (National Cancer Institute, 2004, http://www.cancer.gov/clinicaltrials/learning/what-is-randomization).

Evidenced Based Healthcare/Practice

According to Schardt and Mayer (2010), "[Evidenced based practice] is the integration of clinical expertise, patient values, and the best research evidence into the decision making process for patient care. Clinical expertise refers to the clinician's cumulated experience, education and clinical skills. The patient brings to the encounter his or her own personal and unique concerns, expectations, and values. The best evidence is usually found in clinically relevant research that has been conducted using sound methodology" (http://www.hsl.unc.edu/Services/Tutorials/EBM/whatis.htm).

"The evidence, by itself, does not make a decision for you, but it can help support the patient care process. The full integration of these three components into clinical decisions enhances the opportunity for optimal clinical outcomes and quality of life. The practice of EBP is usually triggered by patient encounters which generate questions about the effects of therapy, the utility of diagnostic tests, the prognosis of diseases, or the etiology of disorders. Evidence-Based Practice requires new skills of the clinician, including efficient literature searching, and the application of formal rules of evidence in evaluating the clinical literature" (Schardt & Mayer, 2010, http://www.hsl.unc.edu/Services/Tutorials/EBM/whatis.htm).


In a 2010 study by Bronfort, Haas, Evans, Leininger and Triano, the researchers both randomized clinical trials and studied evidenced based practice results utilizing guidelines found in scientific literature. In each case, they compared the results of manipulation (chiropractic spinal adjustments or extremity adjusting) to "sham" treatment and concluded that manipulation was effective for:

1. Low back pain, soreness or tension

2. Neck pain

3. Hip pain from arthritis

4. Migraine

5. Headache localized in the neck or back of the head

6. Dizziness emanating from the neck

The following entities were included in the above study to help conclude the results of this research: The American College of Physicians/American Pain Society, The Journal of the AMA, the World Health Organization, Journal of Manipulative Physiological Therapeutics, New Zealand Journal of Medicine and many others. Some clarified what was not yet conclusive while others certified chiropractic as a viable choice for care. The arguments as to whether chiropractic works or not has been long silenced. The only question that now arises is when will the more scientific literature be published?

Asthma is one area is that is lacking in research. As the author of this article and a chiropractic practitioner for 30 years, there has not been one asthma patient that didn’t respond to chiropractic care ranging from the acute to the chronic patient where most discarded their drugs and inhalers (as a result of the advice of their medical practitioners) because they didn’t need them anymore. During most of my career, there was no literature, it just worked. Today, we do not have to go simply on faith as there is much literature in the scientific community confirming the benefits of chiropractic.

This study along with many others concludes that a drug-free approach of chiropractic care is one of the best solutions for many problems and returning to a normal life. To find a qualified doctor of chiropractic near you go to the US Chiropractic Directory at www.USChiroDirectory.com and search your state.


1. National Cancer Institute. (2004, August 3).What is randomization? Retrieved from http://www.cancer.gov/clinicaltrials/learning/what-is-randomization
Schardt, C., & Mayer , J.
(2010, July). What is evidence-based practice. Retrieved from http://www.hsl.unc.edu/Services/Tutorials/EBM/whatis.htm
3. Bronfort, G., Haas M., Evans R., Leininger, B., &Triano, J. (2010). Effectiveness of manual therapies: The UK evidence report. Chiropractic and Osteopathy, 18(3). Retrieved from http://www.chiroandosteo.com/content/18/1/3

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