Tuesday, 09 October 2012 15:29

Urinary Incontinence Improves with Chiropractic Care: A 6 Year Study

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Urinary Incontinence May Improve

With Chiropractic Care

A 6 year  "Case Report" study of 21 Cases

A report on the scientific literature 

81% of chiropractic case showed improvement


by Mark Studin DC, FASBE(C), DAAPM, DAAMLP


Urinary incontinence (UI), according to Cuthbert and Rosner (2012) "occurs when there is leakage of urine that is involuntarily, most commonly in older patients. Incontinence affects 4 of 10 women and 1 of 10 men during their lifetime, and about 17% of children younger than 15 years. A large postpartum study of the prevalence of UI found that 45% of women experienced UI at 7 years postpartum. Thirty-one percent who were initially continent in the postpartum period became incontinent in the future" (pg 50.)

According to Holroyd-Leduc et. al (2010) "Urinary incontinence (involuntary leakage of urine) is of high priority to older women. In a survey of 2,500 women aged 55–95, 64% reported that urinary incontinence was of great concern to them but only 25% perceived that it was being adequately addressed by their healthcare providers. The prevalence rate of urinary incontinence is up to 55% among older women.. Urinary incontinence is associated with poor quality of life, poor self-rated health, social isolation, depressive symptoms, decline in instrumental activities of daily living and out-of-pocket expenses. The majority of older women with urinary incontinence remain under-treated" (pg 228.)


Cuthbert and Rosner addresses co-morbidities (other problems) of pelvic pain and imbalances and Holroyd-Leduc et. al cites sensory involvement in addition; both conditions that have historically responded well under chiropractic care.

Cuthbert and Rosner reported in a study of 21 patients, that were followed for 6 years that in 48% of the case, the UI symptoms resolved totally, another 33% considerably improved and a further 19% slightly improved. That equates to 81% of the case studies showing improvement with urinary incontinence. Comparatively, Holroyd-Leduc et. al reported that 50% improved with pharmacological trials.  

Based upon the prevalence of urinary incontinence in our population and the conclusion that the vast majority of the population is being undertreated, the public must take an honest look at treatment choices.

Chiropractic, based upon the results shouldn't be considered an alternative choice, but the first line of care with no side effects to consider from medications.  



Scott, C., Rosner A., (2012) Conservative chiropractic management of urinary incontinence using applied kinesiology: a retrospective case-series report, Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, 11 (1) pp 49-57

Holyrod-Leduc J., Straus. S, Thorpe K., Davis D., Schmaltz H., Tannenbaum C, (2010)  Translation of evidence into a self-management tool for use by women with urinary incontinence, Oxford Journals, 40 (2) pp 227-233


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