Monday, 17 October 2011 16:56

#1 Chiropractic Letters

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Chiropractic Letters

Chiropractic Patient Results

In Their Own Words

by Mark Studin DC, FASBE(C), DAAPM, DAAMLP

Over the decades, millions of patients have experienced what many call miracles, but in fact are simply the results of chiropractic care. Research is starting to catch up with the results of a healing profession that chose not to wait for science to help change the lives of those millions.

The following are a collection of letters from my personal patients, some almost 30 years old and I certify that each letter was written by one of my patients based upon their results under chiropractic care. Although I strongly support other healthcare avenues, none received nutritional therapy, physical therapy, exercise rehabilitation or any care other than chiropractic.

As I no longer actively practice, this collection is my gift to chiropractic with the hope that it will inspire others to seek chiropractic as a possible solution to improve their lives.

Letter #1:   Headaches-Asthma-Allergies-Colitis
Letter #2:   High Blood Pressure-Hay Fever-Back Pain
Letter #3:   Skin Rashes-Ear Infections-Asthma-Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Letter #4:   Asthma
Letter #5:   Asthma
Letter #6:   Scoliosis-Colds-Pidgeon Toes
Letter #7:   Rashes
Letter #8:   Use of Hand
Letter #8:   Glaucoma
Letter #9:   Skin Rash 
Letter #10:  Walking-Hearing-Seeing
Letter #11:  Rheumatoid Arthritis
Letter #12:  Sinus
Letter #13:  Migraine Headaches
Letter #14:  Back Pain-Spastic Colon-Migraine Headaches
Letter #15:  Headaches - Hip Pain
Letter #16:  Migraine Headaches
Letter #17:  Dizziness - Headaches - Backache
Letter #18:  Dog's Scoliosis
Letter #19:  Leg - Arm - Shoulder - Neck Pain
Letter #20:  Ringing In Ears - Numbness - Stooped Posture
Letter #21:  Hand Tremors - Sinus Problems - Headaches - Neck Stiffness
Letter #22:  Back Pain - Staying Well
Letter #23:  High Blood Pressure
Letter #24:  Headaches - High Blood Pressure
Letter #25:  Rage Issues
Letter #26:  Stroke - Paralysis
Letter #27:  Shoulder Bursitis - Persistent Lower Back Pain
Letter #28:  Neck & Head Burning Pain
Letter #29:  Chronic Rashes and Dermatitis
Letter #30:  Ear Infections-Bronchial Asthma-Bronchitis-Pneumonia-Violet Outbursts

Note: Although these patients responded to care for the above conditions, I only treated their spinal related issues within my scope of practice.  

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