Tuesday, 30 January 2024 01:21

NIH - Lumbar Disc Herniation, Superimposed Varix and Radiculopathy.

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Aidan Gorby MS IV, James Cox DC,  Frank Mascaro MD, Randall Loftus MD, Joanna Garvey DC, Carol Jackson-Gibson MD, Samantha Wilfong DC, Gary Smith DC, David Marcarian MA, John Strom DC, Mark Studin DC, Joseph Serghany MD, Jennifer Sperrazza DC, Geoffrey Gerow DC.  “Lumbar Disc Herniation, Superimposed Varix And Radiculopathy.”  Medpix: National Institute of Health/National Library of Medicine.  Published December 8, 2023




OR CUT AND PASTE TO YOUR BROWSER MedPix Case - Lumbar disc herniation, superimposed varix and radiculopathy. (nih.gov)

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