Research Chiropractic Conditions

The US Chiropractic Directory will only post information about chiropractic that has been proven in a published research setting
Total Research Hits: 23,099,507

                                                          Since June 2012
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Low Back Injuries and Chiropractic 18276
Migraine Headaches and Chiropractic 19275
Chest Pain, Mid Back Pain and Chiropractic 325025
Hip, Knee, Ankle and Foot Problems 23594
Neck Pain and Headaches 57021
Shoulder, Arm, Elbow, Wrist, Hand and Chiropractic 121425
Chiropractic - Chronic Rashes and Dermatitis: Patient Account 141634
Neck & Head Burning Pain Relieved by Chiropractic - Patient Account 290230
Chiropractic - Shoulder Bursitis - Persistent Lower Back Pain: Patient Account 113540
Chiropractic - Stroke - Paralysis : Patient Account 199037
Chiropractic & Rage Issues: Patient Account 22240
Chiropractic Headaches - High Blood Pressure: Patient Account 138494
Chiropractic & Back Pain with Staying Well: Patient Account 14758
Chiropractic & Hand tremors, Sinus Problems, Headaches & Neck Stiffness: Patient Account 23306
Chiropractic & Ringing In the Ears, with Stooped Posture & Numbness: Patient Account 56895
Chiropractic - Leg - Arm - Shoulder - Neck Pain: Patient Account 120916
Chiropractic & Dog's Scoliosis: Patient Account 17000
Chiropractic & Hip Pain & Headaches: Patient Account 19159
Chiropractic & Spastic Colon, Migraine Headaches & Back Pain: Patient Account 28761
Chiropractic & Migraine Headaches: Patient Account 14776

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