
NIH - Traumatic L4 spondylolysis with subacute L4-L5 radiculopathy secondary to annular tear with paracentral disc protrusion.

NIH - Traumatic L4 spondylolysis with subacute L4-L5 radiculopathy secondary to annular tear with paracentral disc protrusion.

NIH - Right Shoulder discomfort in a 14-year-old female softball pitcher and Outcome Assessments through Chiropractic Care”

NIH - Weight Bearing Knee Injury – Causing Chondral Defect

NIH - Female Teenager With Multiple Cervical Ligamentous Injuries Diagnosed On Motion Radiographs - Case Study

NIH - Post MVC Management in a Patient with Heterogeneous Marrow Signal

NIH- L5/S1 Disc Extrusion and Chiropractic Care, Resolution of Symptoms and Structural Pathology without Surgical Intervention

NIH - C5-C6 Extrusion with Neck and Leg Pain with Chiropractic Care of Cervical Decompression

NIH - Resolution of symptoms associated with Cervical Disc Herniation and Annular Fissure following Chiropractic Care

NIH - Co-management, Chiropractic and Neurosurgical Care, of a Large Lumbar Herniated Disc

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