
NIH - Co-management, Chiropractic and Neurosurgical Care, of a Large Lumbar Herniated Disc

NIH - Seymour Fracture of the Distal Phalanx of the Left Great Toe

NIH - Acute L4-L5 radiculopathy likely tophaceous spinal gout at L4-L5 levels and left recurrent meningeal neuropathy

NIH - Cervical Radiculopathy and Chiropractic Outcome Assessment

Medical and Physical Therapy Management of Chronic Low Back Pain Continues to Fail and Bypass Chiropractic Despite Significant Positive Outcomes

Intra and Inter-Rater Reliability in Diagnosing Lumbar Post-Traumatic Ligament Injury - Using Symverta Technology

NIH - Intra and Inter-Rater Reliability in Diagnosing Lumbar Post-Traumatic Ligament Injury

NIH - Dorsal Root Ganglion Injury Secondary to Rapid Hydraulic Pressure Changes Secondary to a Low-Impact Rear-End Motor Vehicle Crash – A Case Study

NIH- Post MVC - Anterior Cervical Disc Fusion Involving C5 and C6 and Outcome Assessments with Chiropractic Care

NIH - White Matter Disease, autoimmune myositis, supraspinatus and labral tear