
NIH - Ligamentous Laxity In The Cervical Spine In A Patient With Rheumatoid Arthritis

NIH - Ligamentous Laxity In The Cervical Spine In A Patient With Rheumatoid Arthritis

NIH - Lumbar Stenosis with Radiculopathy Complicated by A Synovial Cyst and a Disc Protrusion

NIH - Lumbar Stenosis with Radiculopathy Complicated by A Synovial Cyst and a Disc Protrusion

NIH - Enchondroma As Secondary Radiographic Finding In Patient With Left Foot Pain - Case Study

NIH - Herniated Discs C5-6 And C6-7 Levels - Discussion On Age Dating Disc Injuries Via MRI”

The Outcome Assessment of Physical Therapy and Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments on Low Back Pain, Opioid Use, and Health Care Utilization - Lowering Opioids by 55% vs. Raising Opioids by 90%

NIH - AVM Cervical Spinal Cord Bleed From A Front-End Motor Vehicle Crash: A Case Study.

NIH - Post MVC Cervical Disc Herniation, Lumbar Discopathy And Comorbidity of Severe Dilated Cardiomyopathy with LVEF of 25% and RVEF of 31%

NIH - Post MVC Cervical Flexion Instability At C3 on C4, Apical Odontoid Ligament Partial Avulsion